Write for Us
Are you interested in becoming a Fruitful Hollow writer? We have an ever-growing team of writers with vast experiences of infertility and we’re always open to new submissions. If you would like to write a piece for our consideration, start by downloading and reading our submission guidelines.
We schedule blog posts up to 3 months in advance. Please pick a topic EITHER relating to a feast day, awareness week, season or holiday occurring 3 months from now OR relating to a clear theme within the journey of infertility. You are welcome to weave your own personal testimony into these themes. Below are some examples.
Seasonal blog posts relating to…
a feast day: I don’t know where else to go but Calvary (Feast of the Triumph of the Cross)
a saint’s day: St. Gianna and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Relics
an awareness week: “Can’t you just adopt?”
a holiday: In a season of rejoicing, is there space for my grief?
Themed blog posts about…
spiritual warfare: My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?
spiritual motherhood: Spiritual motherhood: a love that’s changing the world
prayer: Praying as a couple
healing: Overcoming infertility trauma
If you have an idea but would like to run it past us before writing, or would like to collaborate with another writer for a joint piece, please email both Lauren and Katie (lauren@thefruitfulhollow.com and (editor@thefruitfulhollow.com) with an outline of your submission idea.
Do you only accept guest submissions or can I become a regular writer?
There is scope for you to become a regular writer for the Fruitful Hollow but it is not a requirement. Once you have written for us once, if you express an interest in writing for us again then we will often reach out if we have a specific idea and require a writer. We may ask you personally if we know it is a topic close to you, or we may approach our whole team of writers and ask for a volunteer.
I would like to write a blog post but I'm not comfortable sharing publicly online about my infertility. Can I remain anonymous?
We understand that not everyone is ready to share about their infertility with everyone. You are welcome to have your piece shared anonymously or you may choose to use a pen name, such as your middle name and maiden name, or your name and an initial. Just chat to us about this when you submit and we can agree on what works for you.
Do you pay writers?
Our whole ministry is voluntary and all of our content is free for everyone. We are grateful for all the writers, mentors and team members who give their time and talents to make this ministry possible.
I've written for other blogs before. Can I still write for you?
Absolutely! If we publish a blog post that you have written for The Fruitful Hollow and which has been edited and theologically edited by our team, we do ask that you don't publish the exact same piece on another blog, but we do not expect you to write for us and only us.