SymptoThermal Method
Responses from Emma Goff (SymptoThermal instructor with SymptoPro for 1 year at Charleston Fertility Awareness in South Carolina, USA); and Julie Houston (SymptoThermal instructor with CCL - Couple to Couple League - for 10 years in the USA).
“There is so much power in knowing exactly what your body is doing throughout a cycle for both family planning and health knowledge.”
About SymptoThermal
What does SymptoThermal do for couples?
Emma: Learning this method allows couples to determine their fertile window and make family planning choices each cycle.
Julie: It teaches them the female cycle and asks for the spouse to be involved because it is their fertility together. It helps with communication as well.
What is the efficacy of SymptoThermal?
Emma: The method effectiveness is 97-99.9% and the use effectiveness rate is 90-99% effective (see https://symptopro.org/images/PDFs/SymptoPro_Citations.pdf).
Is there a particular season where SymptoThermal stands out?
Emma: It’s particularly good for TTA. If a couple ever feels like their instructor or chosen method isn’t a good fit, please search for a new one. There are seasons of life when certain methods might work best for a couple and figuring that out is important.
Julie: The method works a little differently for postpartum and menopause.
Does SymptoThermal identify underlying concerns?
Emma: All SymptoPro instructors are trained to notice any abnormalities or concerns in a chart and refer you to a medical provider. This might look like seeing how the temperature pattern reflects hormonal imbalances.
Julie: Yes. In my case, my daily temperature averages dipped lower than usual, which indicated my thyroid was off. Also it can detect other issues like when a woman isn’t ovulating.
Do you recommend SymptoThermal for single women as well as married couples?
Emma: This is a great option for singles because it allows for a deeper understanding of their bodies. The reference book that we give to each user is written with couples in mind but I believe that it can still be extremely helpful for single users.
Julie: It can be used by single women, but it is more common for couples. (CCL stands for Couple to Couple League.)
Learning SymptoThermal
Where can you find a SymptoThermal instructor?
Emma: You can find a SymptoPro instructor at www.symptopro.org/about-us/find-an-instructor.html
Julie: You can find a CCLI instructor www.CCLI.org
What is the expected financial commitment?
Emma: Couples can learn SymptoPro online via symptopro.org for $130, individual instructors may charge more or less than that depending upon their costs.
Julie: CCLI has a fee for the classes, which can be in person or online now. The fee is under $200 (at the time of writing). You can buy paper charts or use the CCLI app.
Using SymptoThermal
Why should couples utilize NFP?
Emma: There is so much power in knowing exactly what your body is doing throughout a cycle for both family planning and health knowledge, which can allow for increased communication and help a couple to figure out what their goals are each cycle. No matter what season of marriage couples are in, there are benefits to being able to discern what the next steps are for their family and health.
Julie: It brings them closer as a couple and the divorce rates are extremely low. If a couple can talk about this stuff, they can talk about anything.
What does SymptoThermal involve and what is the time commitment?
Emma: SymptoPro has users take their basal body temperature at the same time each morning (within an hour and a half window) after a night of rest with at least an hour of sleep beforehand. They observe their cervical mucus in two ways throughout the day (in a tissue exam and sensation). The tissue exam for observing mucus is done before and after each time you go to the bathroom; the observation of sensation is done mentally throughout the day as a general awareness. They then chart the most fertile sign of the day that is observed and interpret their charts based on scientific data. There is also an optional observation of physically checking the cervix that is done once a day at the end of the day.
What tools or equipment are needed?
Emma: a basal body thermometer, toilet paper, and a chart (either a paper chart or on the Read Your Body app).
How can husbands be involved?
Emma: Some couples have found that husbands can help enter the observations into the chart, work on interpretations together, and even hand the thermometer to their wife in the morning. The most important thing is open communication about how this might work best for a specific relationship!
Julie: They can do the charting and check the cervix. They should also be part of communication about whether they should try for a baby or postpone pregnancy.
If couples are using SymptoThermal and not conceiving, what are the next steps?
Emma: If a couple is using the defined fertile window and not conceiving, instructors are recommended to refer them to health care professionals by 6 months of trying.
Julie: We would recommend seeing an OB/GYN who is familiar with NFP (local to me, Dr Joseph Behan is a Dallas doctor who specializes in this). Alternatively, see a NaProTechnology doctor or a doctor that understands the charts. For couples that are struggling, I think knowing more than one method can be beneficial. Some other methods dive deeper into the education about the mucus. I would combine that with the SymptoThermal method to see if I could gather more information. However ultimately it is in God’s hands and perfect timing. Only He knows the plans He has for us.
Is SymptoThermal still helpful for couples who don’t have access to a NaProTechnology doctor?
Emma: It could be. If you're specifically looking for medical intervention, charting with SymptoPro could be a good first step.
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