Statistics regarding the treatment of embryos as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF) are staggering: a very rough estimate of one million embryos are frozen in the United States alone; hundreds of thousands of them are abandoned (that is, the parents of the embryonic children no longer pay the clinic the storage fees to keep them cryopreserved, and the clinic is left with “ownership” of the embryos); roughly 500,000 embryos are discarded, experimented on, or die in the US each year. Couples who have gone through IVF and then face the decision of how to treat their remaining embryos use words such as “agony”, “anxiety” and “conflicted” to describe how they feel when faced with that decision. Up until now, no ministry has existed to specifically accompany people who are grappling with the aftereffects of IVF.
With all that in mind, Shiloh IVF Ministry has formed as a new ministry, uniquely set up to accompany and serve women, men and couples who are struggling with healing and/or decision-making after undergoing IVF. While not everyone who uses IVF is left with frozen embryonic children, it is one of the most painful points of the process. Especially for those who recognize the embryo as a young human child or even as a potential for human life, they must grapple with the implications for any number of options: should they keep their embryonic children frozen indefinitely to keep them alive? Should they gestate their remaining embryonic children, even if they thought their family size had reached capacity? What about embryo adoption? Other tender touchpoints of IVF include the impersonal treatment at clinics, the isolation of infertility which drove them to IVF in the first place, and physically vulnerable or harmful aspects such as masturbation to provide sperm or hyperstimulation syndrome, just to name a few.

Shiloh IVF Ministry offers one-on-one mentorship and an in-depth Scriptural healing resource, all framed within Catholic moral teaching but open and adaptable to anyone of any spiritual background. On the website, one can find a page to honor any living or deceased embryonic children, as well as a testimonial page to share first-hand accounts of the impacts of IVF. As the ministry grows, there are goals of a retreat and speakers training to enable those who have been touched by IVF to be able to speak out on the topic in public to affect legislation or be a public witness to others considering IVF.
If you would like to learn more, please visit If you find yourself in the position of needing accompaniment in your healing journey, we’d invite you to visit the “Set Up Your Consultation” page to get connected with the ministry. You can also support Shiloh IVF ministry with your donations or the gift of your time in volunteering as the ministry grows. Most importantly, please pray for Shiloh IVF Ministry:
“We lift to you, O merciful Father, all those who have been touched by infertility and IVF. May your grace and loving presence be revealed to each one of them. Give them the strength to turn away from IVF and run into your loving arms. Raise up in them the desire to be healed and to help heal others. Grant them the courage to share their stories and tell of your love.
And, Lord, for all of the embryonic children created as a result of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, show them a love more than they can ever know on this earth. Be with them in their creation. Be with them in the lab. Be with them in the freezer. Be with them in their destruction. And be with them in their lives. Protect them. Allow them to become the children of God you created them to be.
Lord, Your creation of life is a miracle. We feel your call to Shiloh to preserve and defend Your miracle of life, but we know we cannot do this on our own. We need your guiding presence in everything we do, always.
Protect us and grant us the ability to serve in this mission according to your will.
St. Francis, pray for us.
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Sacred heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.”
– From Shiloh IVF Ministry’s prayer
Shiloh IVF Ministry
Many people who participate in in vitro fertilization, even those who bear children, are in need of post-IVF healing. Shiloh IVF Ministry exists as a resource for men, women and couples who find themselves in this unfathomable position. At Shiloh, our mission is to offer companionship and practical steps to discern how to care for embryonic children in cryopreservation and offer overall healing in the aftermath of IVF. While visiting our website,, visitors can request a consult, honor embryonic children, share their testimony, and learn more about IVF. Visit and start the journey to peace and healing today.