Hi there!
Welcome to the Fruitful Hollow!
The Fruitful Hollow is a Catholic resource and community for those who struggle with infertility. Here we hope you will feel heard, find understanding, dive into Church teachings and be inspired by stories of fruitfulness in the wait. We pray that this space will help you to pick up your cross and carry it wherever the Lord calls you. As we walk this journey together, may we grow in holiness, virtue and wisdom.
Here at The Fruitful Hollow we publish weekly blog posts, create monthly resources, and host a mentorship ministry. You can subscribe to our email list to make sure you never miss a thing, and follow us on social media (@thefruitfulhollow on Instagram, The Fruitful Hollow on Facebook) to connect with the community. We’re so glad you found us.
Operational Staff
Lauren Allen
Founder | Director
Lauren Allen married the man of her dreams, Sean, in Jan. 2020. They spent their honeymoon in Rome, Italy and were able to receive the Sposi Novelli from Pope Francis. Lauren is a born and raised Texan and public school choir director. Sean and Lauren have two beautiful sons through adoption, Peyton and Mitchell. She loves spending time with her family, pets (Tucker, and Trudy), singing, quilting, and witnessing about PCOS, LUF, and their infertility journey. She has a special devotion to Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, St. Michael the Archangel, and is a fan of "Blessed Is She". On Jan. 21, 2021 while driving around listening to the Lord, she heard Him say "Your cross is meant to be carried." The Fruitful Hollow was born that day. Lauren is passionate about providing valid, Catholic resources to help those carry the cross of infertility with grace.

Katie S.
Managing Editor
Katie is a British editor and proofreader who specializes in Catholic and Christian publications. She married her husband in 2016 and is extremely grateful for the gift of their marriage and the graces that flow from it. She is mother to a little saint in heaven and was blessed with a precious rainbow baby after many years of primary infertility. Katie is also a proud auntie and godmother to many little ones who bring light to her life. She loves to express her creativity through crafting, scrapbooking, sewing, baking and singing.

Sonia-Maria Szymanski
Theological Editor | Writer
Sonia-Maria is a wife and a mother of three children. She and her husband adopted all three. Having grown up in Canada, she has called the Midwest her home for over a decade. She loves cooking, reading Stephen King novels, hiking and listening to Metallica and Toby Mac. She has been involved in pro-life work and is a trained Creighton teacher. Before deciding to devote more time to her family, she managed a FertilityCare Center and taught NFP for five years. She has a degree in law, paralegal studies and a master’s degree in theology. She joined the Sisters of Hannah as a mentor in 2022. After struggling with and coming to peace with her own infertility, she wants to help women face the painful and challenging cross of infertility. “Be still and know that I am God” is the Bible verse that reminds her to relinquish control to God.

C. Janae Parke
Secretary | Writer
C. Janae Parke grew up in Florida but has called DC her home for the past 7 years after moving there for college. She works at the Catholic University of America, DC where she got both her bachelors and masters degrees in History and Library & Information Science. In between helping students navigate their own college experience, C. Janae enjoys reading with an iced chai latte or watching the latest Marvel movie. She also volunteers at the Kennedy Center and believes that often the closest way to listen to and learn about God is through all forms of art, and both ordinary and unexpected little encounters throughout the day.

Rachel Walters
Social Media Coordinator | Writer
Rachel is a librarian who specializes in research, writing, graphic design, and marketing. She married her husband in 2014 and loves spending time with her family (3 nieces and 2 nephews), two German Shepherds, and kitten. She is pursuing spiritual motherhood while she and her husband carry the cross of primary infertility.

Ellen H.
Resource Coordinator | Writer
Ellen is an American girl now living in Canada with her husband. They have been married since 2016. With a career background in education and experience working in the Church, Ellen has a heart for helping students reach their full potential academically and to discover a love of Jesus and of living a life with Him. She is a lover of starting small groups to grow in faith and fellowship, and is passionate about finding ways to live out Jesus’ call to the abundant life, no matter what season of life you find yourself in (John 10:10b). Ellen is happiest when found with a good book, pausing to capture God’s creation with a photograph, or enjoying a hot cup of tea and dessert with family or friends.
Kristin D.
Sisters of Hannah Coordinator | Writer
Kristin hails from Central New York but she is a Jersey girl at heart. She is passionate about her faith, family and the New York Yankees. She married her best friend in 2010 and after 7 years of infertility they welcomed their son through the blessing of adoption. Previously, she served as Director of Youth Ministry for her linked parishes, Pre-Cana Mentor, Hope for Bereaved co-facilitator, and Operations Supervisor for an emergency alarm central station. She has studied the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola and introduced the daily examen and principles to adults and youth alike. She is devoted to accompanying others on their journey through infertility and discovering God’s graces in the ordinary moments of life. In her free time, Kristin enjoys cooking, writing, hiking and swimming.

Liz Mtunga
Sisters of Hannah Administrative Assistant
Liz Mtunga Liz is an American who has been living in Tanzania, Africa since 2017, after falling in love with the country and her husband, Joel. They married in 2019 and welcomed their son in 2020. Liz's background is in pediatric oncology nursing, which initially brought her to Tanzania. Now, she is an NFP instructor specializing in the Marquette Method and loves helping women appreciate the beauty of their bodies and fertility. Liz's passion for fertility and holistic health grew from her own struggle with secondary infertility and the lack of answers and support from doctors. She has a deep desire to support others in similar situations and help them carry this heavy cross. Feeling called to the Sisters of Hannah, Liz values being part of a community of women who understand and are dedicated to helping others with infertility. In her free time, Liz enjoys traveling back to the USA to see family, going on African safaris, spending time in nature, and reading.

Serenity Quesnelle
Communications Coordinator | Writer
Serenity Quesnelle married her husband Andrew in September 2017 with the hope and belief that they would be parents before their first wedding anniversary. Little did she know God would have a different plan for her. After countless doctors appointments, medications, and procedures she still has no explanation and is left with the diagnosis of “unexplained infertility”. As a Catholic convert, she’s fallen in love with the traditions of the Church and knows that her faith has been a pillar in helping her navigate the grief that comes with carrying the cross of infertility. A jack-of-all-trades but master of none, Serenity loves photography, floral design and is currently a learning coordinator for virtual learning.
Interested in becoming a Fruitful Hollow Writer?
Featured Writers
Faith Downing
Faith is a midwestern girl hailing from the suburbs of St. Louis, MO, where she lives with her husband of 5 years, their son, Joseph, and their daughters, Lydia and Junia, who was conceived after over a year of secondary infertility and related Napro-technology treatment, including surgical intervention. She graduated from Lindenwood University with a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and currently works part time for a local pregnancy resource center. She muses about all things Catholic femininity alongside one of her dearest friends at hersoulproclaims.wordpress.com. She is the lover of a good plotline, ice cream at any hour of the day, finding and creating beauty and the message of Divine Mercy. She encountered Jesus and immense spiritual healing in a new way in the midst of her secondary infertility and carries the hope that what God has done for her heart, He wishes to do for every beloved daughter, no matter their suffering or struggles

Writer & Mentor
Gillyan McCabe
Gillyan is a New Yorker married to a former Marine from New Mexico. After living in 4 time zones over 5 years, they have finally settled their family in the Midwest where neither of them feels fully at home which keeps everyone on their toes. She is a Sisters of Hannah mentor, adoptive mama, sourdough bread enthusiast and lover of all written things. Her favorite Bible verse is John 3:17 (no, that wasn't a typo!) and you can usually find her dancing barefoot in the grass.
Marie Justin
Marie is a born and raised Midwestern, having grown up in Des Moines, Iowa; then spending her college days in Kansas at Benedictine College, and immediately moving to Kansas City, Missouri where she and her husband have built a life together. After quickly learning that having children was not going to be an easy journey, Marie became a FertilityCare Practitioner to help others discover as much as possible about their fertility health. In 2022 she started Fullness of Life (fullnessoflifecoaching.com) which is a ministry for those going through infertility and/or pregnancy loss. Her mission is to bring others who understand these crosses together to support one another and ultimately find healing in our Lord Jesus Christ by living their life fully right now. After years of infertility, they have two little saints in heaven and a little boy on the way. In her free time she loves being outside with her dogs, doing anything artistic, and traveling with her husband.
Writer & Mentor
Mary Thissen
Mary Thissen is a Catholic wife and mother to toddler twin boys. She and her husband suffered many years of infertility and pregnancy losses before finally giving birth. She is a healthcare data analyst, writer, and aspiring spiritual director. Mary desires to use the gifts she has been given to bring healing and hope to women affected by infertility and pregnancy loss. She lives in East Central Illinois with her family.

Writer & Mentor
Dominique Tomaino
Dominique was born and raised in Southern California but made a big move to Texas in 2022. She is a cradle Catholic and loves to continue to grow and learn about the faith. She has been married since 2011 to her loving husband, who she met at her Catholic Law School. After years of NaProTechnology treatment, they were still unable to conceive. Aided by the fact that Dominique was an adoptee herself, they moved to growing their family through adoption. Through the blessing of adoption, they have welcomed a daughter and son into their family. She assists others on the infertility journey as a Sisters of Hannah mentor. Dominique also continues to work as a lawyer, currently as in-house counsel for a pro-life nonprofit organization. Dominique loves spending time with family and in nature, and her hobby is making pretty charcuterie boards!

Mary Bruno
Dominique was born and raised in Southern California but made a big move to Texas in 2022. She is a cradle Catholic and loves to continue to grow and learn about the faith. She has been married since 2011 to her loving husband, who she met at her Catholic Law School. After years of NaProTechnology treatment, they were still unable to conceive. Aided by the fact that Dominique was an adoptee herself, they moved to growing their family through adoption. Through the blessing of adoption, they have welcomed a daughter and son into their family. She assists others on the infertility journey as a Sisters of Hannah mentor. Dominique also continues to work as a lawyer, currently as in-house counsel for a pro-life nonprofit organization. Dominique loves spending time with family and in nature, and her hobby is making pretty charcuterie boards!

Lauren G.
Lauren is a cradle Catholic living in North Carolina. She has been married to her husband since 2013. She has lived experience with infertility and pregnancy loss. With the help of NaProTechnology, she welcomed a child in 2018. She has a devotion to St. Gianna, Fulton Sheen, and Our Lady. In her free time, she enjoys watching Fulton Sheen's Life is Worth Living.

Favor Fertility Ministry, Founder
Danielle Thompson
Danielle Thompson is the leader and founder of Favor Fertility Ministry that the Lord has gifted her in the midst of believing for the miraculous in her womb. She is from south Louisiana where the Catholic faith is rich in its culture. She attended Louisiana State University where she graduated with a degree in Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising. Danielle and her husband, Terry, married in January of 2015. In October 2021, they became Mommy and Daddy for the very first time through foster care to two precious children, a daughter and a son, whom they will soon be adopting. Danielle is radically on fire for Jesus. Serving in the Kingdom of God has always been her deepest desire. Through what the enemy meant for harm, the Father has turned for his good and placed the calling of ministry over her life. Ministering and serving women in the fertility community has been her biggest joy and honor. Writing never was an interest to her in school. However, the Holy Spirit has inspired her words that she has shared over the last eight years, and it has become one of her most treasured, creative outlets. Nonetheless, writing is the very thing that led her to the ministry she has today.

Brittany Wahhab
Brittany Wahhab married her best friend and soulmate in August 2016 with the hope they would be pregnant by the end of their first year of marriage. God has taken them on a different journey and their marriage has borne fruit in other areas of life. Brittany spent many years working in the travel industry after studying abroad in Southern Spain and graduating college with a BA in Global Communications, and is now pursuing a MS in Clinical Mental Health with a special focus on trauma-informed care. She currently works alongside her husband, managing marketing and events for their café and catering company in Wisconsin. She is a Catholic convert who is passionate about the intersections of Catholicism, science and psychology. In her future work as a therapist, Brittany hopes to support people from all walks of faith, specifically helping the most vulnerable in the refugee, asylum seeking and immigrant populations to own their right to be treated with human dignity as people created in the image and likeness of God. Her greatest Catholic influences are St. Teresa of Avila, St. Catherine of Siena and Pope Francis.
Dana Nygaard, LPC
Dana Nygaard is a Licensed Professional Counselor, speaker, wife, and mother. Nygaard is a down-to-earth, cradle Catholic with a heart for the New Evangelization. Her unique blend of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques, authentic Catholic spirituality, and a splash of humor provides her clients and audiences with practical solutions that have lifechanging effects. Inspired by the desire to help individuals and married couples seeking emotional, psychological, and spiritual healing from a Catholic psychotherapy perspective, she earned her counseling degree from Dallas Baptist University.

Chelsea Voboril
Chelsea Voboril married her husband, Matt, in 2014 in her little Kansas hometown. She holds a Master's Degree in theology from Rockhurst University and Holy Apostles College and Seminary with a concentration in bioethics. As God would have it, the cross of infertility has been with her for most of her marriage, and she has been encountering her own bioethical journey in real time. Her passion projects include learning about the grey theological areas of infertility, and how couples with infertility can find spiritual, mental, and financial support.

Jennifer Nelson
Jennifer Nelson is the founder of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Relics. She is married to Derek, a man with an abundance of patience who puts up with all her crazy ideas and they have six beautiful “Gianna babies” aged 14 to 2. She holds an MA in Systematic Theology from Seton Hall’s Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology. She loves the saints and figuring out which saint can help pray for various dilemmas. She does not consider herself a writer, but her friends tell her otherwise and the Holy Spirit keeps making her do it against her will!

Rebecca V.
Rebecca and her husband were married in 2018 and have been journeying through infertility ever since. They conceived and quickly lost their precious baby on the feast of St. Anthony in 2019, naming their baby Antoine after this patron of the lost. They are currently pursuing adoption but, in the meantime, are practicing the virtue of patience thanks to their fluffy Shih Tzu puppy. Rebecca is an aspiring academic and self-confessed political nerd who loves to play piano, take walks with her pup and bake desserts that can accommodate her extended family’s dietary restrictions.
Guest Writers

Kathleen and Jesse LeBlanc
Kathleen and Jesse LeBlanc are Catholic musicians and worship leaders for their band, Found Together. For three years now, they've been hosting The Catholic Date Night, an online membership to fun and meaningful date nights that bring spouses closer to each other, and closer to Christ. Kathleen and Jesse currently live in Brantford, Ontario, Canada with their four small children, but are soon moving to middle-of-nowhere Nova Scotia to build a home and a family culture of homesteading and outdoor living. Their music and ministry can be found @wearefoundtogether and @TheCatholicDateNight. Use the code FREEDATE for your first month free! www.wearefoundtogether.com/datenights

Brad Piecuch
Brad is a devoted husband to his wife Heather since 2012 and lives in Southeastern Indiana. He was born Catholic and, after a short stint in a nondenominational church, is now a practicing Catholic and a member of the Knights of Columbus. His hobbies include walking his dogs, working on house projects, volunteering for the local church, rooting for the Cincinnati Bengals, Reds, and Bearcats, and spending time with his beautiful wife. His three favorite saints are St. Joseph, St. Patrick and St. Peter.

Regina Harty
Harty’s faith and relationship with the Blessed Mother was re-energized by her sister, JoEllen’s request for prayer. Jo had cancer and was praying the rosary daily. Regina began to do the same for her. They traveled to Medjugorje, which precipitated a change of professions and Regina became a Faith Formation Director in Liverpool NY. She retired in 2015, and traveled in the Diocese of Syracuse, leading groups in 33 Days to Morning Glory by Father Michael Gaitley. Regina married Chuck Harty in August 1981 and resides in Syracuse NY, winters in SC. They are guardians of the Pilgrim Rosary of Medjugorje.

Shelby Gambino
Shelby Gambino resides in the midwestern metropolis of Kansas City with her husband Tony. In her spare time, you’re likely to find her sipping a London Fog, reading five books at once, planning her next travels or trying to teach herself guitar.

Aimee Arnold
Aimee Arnold is a woman who makes things happen, and just knew that she and her husband would be having babies, and fast. However that wasn't her story. The pain and suffering she experienced via her and her husband's infertility journey did not turn out the way she had planned; however it resulted in an even more beautiful result: It led her to discover the truth about Jesus' teachings and his church's sacred tradition, and in accepting this truth and fully surrendering is when she received the true fruit of the Spirit. While active in the church in her youth, as an adult, her mass attendance slowly dropped off and eventually became nonexistent. After experiencing the beauty of the sacramentals in a variety of the magnificent churches in Europe, like a magnet she was drawn back to consistent mass attendance, and she now encounters Christ in a way she’d never before experienced. Aimee lives in Oregon and her professional experience in marketing, operations, events and hospitality spans a handful of industries. Depending on the season, she can also be found foraging wild mushrooms with her husband for homemade pizzas, latin dancing to live music, or cross country skiing off the grid or stand up paddleboarding with her gordon setter. Connect with Aimee directly on Instagram, LinkedIn, or at AimeeArnold.com

Sarah Hauer
Sarah Hauer is a Catholic educator, artist and writer in the Diocese of Phoenix. She has been married for 22 years and has extensive knowledge of women’s health concerns surrounding infertility. She has one miracle daughter whom she attributes to Christ working through NaProTechnology. Sarah is a graduate student of Theology at Franciscan University, Steubenville and hopes to help others stay faithful to Church teachings and have hope.

Jenna O’Farrell
Jenna has been married to her husband Donovan since 2018. They both grew up primarily in California and decided to make a cross country move in 2020 when everything was shut down. They didn’t have a job, house, friends or family waiting for them on this side. They put their trust in God and decided to drive until something felt right. They made it to Indiana in September and found their forever home in November of the same year. They call their house their “miracle home” because it’s everything they had hoped for. They have been trying to conceive since the month they got married, and they’re still waiting for God’s “yes”. They have walked the path of NaProTechnology, surgery and treatments without ever conceiving, so for now they embrace their childless life. They keep busy with their three acres, chickens, two dogs and both work outside the home. They also help run the young adult ministry at their parish and get involved with as many parish activities as possible!

Victoria Peck-Gray, RD
Victoria Peck-Gray is an integrative and functional medicine registered dietitian and owner of an online nutrition coaching business, Wonderfully Made Nutrition, where she helps women struggling with hormone imbalances, weight loss resistance, and digestive issues heal root causes using advanced lab testing, personalized nutrition, supportive lifestyle therapies, and targeted supplementation. She lives in New York City with her husband, and yearns for the transcendent things of life – which includes any rock anthem song that can be belted aloud, nature, and sipping on a matcha during prayer. Connect with her on Instagram @wonderfullymade.rd

Brandy Norton
Brandy Norton lives in Louisville, KY with her husband and two children. She and her husband have experienced both primary and secondary infertility and have two additional children in heaven. Brandy holds an MA in Theology and manages the blog www.goodcatholicsex.com. In her free time, she performs comedy, trains for half marathons, and leads a book club.

Erin Kinsella
Erin Kinsella is a Consecrated Virgin currently residing in Ottawa. She has worked in youth, young adult and campus ministry for almost 20 years. Erin is one of the hosts of the In the Thicket podcast, which is a podcast about finding hope in suffering. She completed her Master of Theological Studies through St. Augustine Seminary in Toronto and wrote her thesis on the Theology of the Suffering Body.
Sarah M.
Sarah is a mother of twins who found herself introduced to IVF by connecting with other twin parents and learning the majority were conceived through IVF. This sparked the motivation to better understand IVF and learn how to support individuals in the aftermath of IVF. She is involved in ministries that respect the dignity of human life through conception to end of life.

Emily Frase
Emily Frase is a south Louisiana native living in northern Virginia with her husband and two children. She founded the blog totalwhine.com in 2018, where she shares her deep passion for living all aspects of the Catholic faith in a joyful and honest way, especially marriage, motherhood, NFP and fertility awareness. She is the co-founder and president of the nonprofit organization FAbM Base, with a mission to make fertility awareness accessible to those of any age or faith. She has been featured in FemCatholic, Theology of Home, Vigil Magazine, Letters to Women podcast, and The St. Philip Institute.

Writer & Mentor
Elise Berger
Elise has been married to her best friend since 2016 and lives in rural Canada. She’s a polyglot who has studied 7 languages and uses 3 daily. Though she carries the cross of primary infertility, God has made her life fruitful in many other ways. She is a spiritual mother to many and is blessed with beautiful godchildren, nieces and nephews. In her spare time, she loves to read, bullet journal, draw and do calligraphy, play piano and bake.

Jana Zuniga Pingel
Jana Zuniga is a Catholic artist and designer based in Colorado Springs, where she resides with her husband, Tim. She is the founder and owner of January Jane Shop, an online boutique for Catholic art and goods that started in 2020. Jana is a former Catholic art teacher, pregnancy counselor and missionary. She earned her BA in Studio Art from Saint Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana in 2016. Her favorite pastimes include cooking, hiking, folk concerts and planning themed parties.

Brandon Joseph Palmer
Brandon is happily married to his wife Anna and lives in Eastern Oregon. He greatly enjoys spending time in Our Lord’s creation and likes to hunt, fish, hike, camp, and snowshoe. He has been Catholic all his life but had a reversion in recent years. He enjoys a special devotion to St. Joseph, who embodies all the virtues of a faithful Catholic man.

Kimberly Camosse
Kimberly is a two-time graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, where she earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mental health and counseling related fields and is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida. She previously worked in pro-life ministries, volunteered in youth ministry programs, and served as a school counselor for 8 years. She now shares stories through her personal blog, Healed by the Hem (@healedbythehem_), helping others find hope and wholeness in Christ while navigating suffering and loss.

Katie Woltornist
Katie Woltornist is a New Jersey native now living in Alexandria, VA. She is the founder of Behold Visio Divina, a ministry that helps women understand their dignity through pondering the feminine genius of Mary in art. Through books, group formation, online community and workshops, Behold gives women the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and one another. Currently, Behold has seven published books and has groups within the United States and internationally. You can access Behold through their website, instagram, or facebook.

Fiona Furman
Fiona Furman is a British cradle Catholic with a devotion to Lourdes (having travelled there every year for over 30 years!), the elderly and evangelisation – especially helping other Catholics to understand and love their faith. She has been married to Martyn, a convert from Orthodox Judaism, since 2007 and lived with undiagnosed endometriosis since she was 13 years old. Diagnosed finally after 17 years, the condition’s growth eventually led to her needing a full hysterectomy in 2018. She works as a communications manager, plays the guitar and ukulele, sings in the church choir and just about everywhere! Having recently discovered sewing, her home office has been transformed into an overcrowded craft room! She dreams of owning multiple alpacas one day, but fears this too may not come to fruition!

Sr. Philomena, Daughter of Mary
Sr. Philomena, Daughter of Mary was born and raised in Michigan, USA. In 2010, she discerned a call to religious life and entered the Queenship of Mary Community in Ottawa, Canada. In 2016, she professed perpetual vows. Sr. Philomena enjoys reading, writing, spontaneous adventures, quality time with friends and loved ones, a good cup of tea, and most recently is discovering the beauty of nature in a new way. Currently the Queenship of Mary Community is in the process of building their motherhouse on the outskirts of Ottawa. To learn more about the Sisters or how you can support this project, visit www.queenshipofmary.ca.

Texas Right to Life
Rachel Bush
Rachel Bush was involved in pro-life activities from a young age. As she grew up, Rachel learned members of her family had chosen abortion, adoption, and parenting in the wake of unplanned pregnancies and could see that the life-giving options gave hope while the abortion experience only provided pain. While studying journalism at the University of Texas, Rachel was accepted into the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship with Texas Right to Life and helped establish the campus pro-life club. In 2014, Rachel was hired by Texas Right to Life to mentor students in the Fellowship as they teach their peers and their community the importance of protecting innocent human life from conception to natural death. Rachel is also a graduate student in the School of Counseling at Divine Mercy University.

Elizabeth (Liz) Miller, LMSW
Elizabeth (Liz) Miller, LMSW, is a social worker by trade, but a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend first. After experiencing the bumpy road of infertility in multiple ways since she married in 2014, Liz appreciates the NaPro Technology trained doctors in this world and the friends and family who have supported her and her husband along the way. Her two sons are a testament to God’s miracles and the perseverance that the Lord gave her in searching for answers to her ongoing fertility struggles. She is passionate about encouraging women with fertility concerns to seek help and learn about the effects endometriosis, PCOS and other diagnoses can have on fertility. Liz is an advocate at heart, previously serving teenagers in a Midwest urban ministry and now working with the elderly in senior care. She considers spending time in the sunshine and drinking decaf vanilla cappuccinos part of self-care and would do just about anything for family.

Brittany Calavitta
Brittany is an enthusiastic advocate for a good book, strong coffee, and a hopeful heart. After battling years of infertility, she and her husband welcomed their first child on September 11, 2016. While balancing time between life with a preschooler and a husband who travels for ministry, Brittany dances professionally all over Southern California where her family currently resides. You can follow her journey on Instagram at @BritCal

Katie Wood
Katie Wood lives in Virginia with her husband of 10 years and their 5-and-a-half year-old son. She is a special education teacher turned Catholic school librarian who loves to read, knit, and bake just about anything. She is also the author of Waiting with Mary: a Seven Sorrows Devotional for Catholic Women facing Infertility and the editor/some-time contributor to the Springs in the Desert podcast. You can connect with her on Instagram @TheJoyfulLeap.

Guest Writer
Dr. Lauren Peterson,
Dr. Lauren Peterson, PT, DPT is the clinical director and co-owner of FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers of Oklahoma City. She specializes in pelvic floor, vestibular and orthopedic physical therapy. Dr. Peterson is one of four CAPP* certified practitioners in the state of Oklahoma. She wants you to know that there are treatment options for your pain and pelvic floor dysfunction, and that you don't have to go it alone. If you are unsure about your pelvic health, or you want to see the FYZICAL Difference for yourself, schedule a free consultation today. *Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy from the American Physical Therapy Association

Laura Golden
Laura Golden grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, the oldest of six kids! After graduating from University of Nebraska Medical Center with her Bachelors of Science in Nursing she served for two years as a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionary, where she met her husband, Tyler. She now lives in Warren, Minnesota, with her husband and two daughters, Ellie and Harlee. She is passionate about educating and empowering women and couples with knowledge about their cycles as she works as a Creighton FertilityCare Practitioner during her kids’ naptime and after bedtime! You can follow Laura on Instagram at @holyfamilyfertilitycare

Sr. Gabriela
Sr Gabriela belongs to the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham (COLW) which was established in 2004 at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in England. This community is part of a new form of consecrated life called an “ecclesial family” which invites sisters, brothers, priests and laity to share in its charism. Drawing on the spirituality of Walsingham, Mary’s Annunciation, their charism and mission has vocational and incarnational character. COLW has been referred to as a “vocational maternity ward” as they strive to help those who come to them, especially the young, to find their vocation and live it out with all the fullness of life and love.

Fr. Christopher Shackelford
Fr Christopher Shackelford is a Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Texas. In 2021 Fr Christopher will celebrate the 30th anniversary of his ordination as a priest. During these many years of ministry, he has served in eight different positions of ministry. He is currently based at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Channelview, Texas, where he is proud to have been pastor of this bilingual Catholic community for over 17 years. He uses his ability to communicate in both English and Spanish to better pastor people from a variety of backgrounds. He is truly a spiritual father with great compassion for those who are suffering and has a gentle way of speaking directly while giving advice or teaching. Fr Christopher has a great passion for God and for the Catholic faith as well as an obvious joy in serving other people. He is also proud of being a native Texan and uncle of eight nieces and nephews. In his love for his parish family (as well as his biological family), Fr Christopher always has a way of making everyone feel part of the family of God and reminding us that we are all created and saved by a loving God.